Save money! Monitor your phone call, text and data usage. Save money on your phone bill! Monitor your phone call, text and network data usage. Loads of similar apps on the market, but this one beats them hands down. You can also use 3G watchDog pro for guarding you against costly internet overages. I think 3G WatchDog Pro have more features such as Advanced data usage prediction, Usage history with graph & CSV export, 5 widget styles etc.
App Features
★ Set limits on daily, weekly and monthly usage.
★ Alerts when you break your usage limits.
★ Widgets for calls, texts and data.
★ See which apps are using the most data.
★ See who you call the most.
★ See usage per hour, day, week and month.
Stay with in your limits and save money on your monthly bill.
★ Set your monthly billing date
★ Choose daily, weekly and monthly limits
★ Get notified if you break your limits
★ Net counter counts Edge/3G/GPRS mobile data.
★ Pie chart of break down of data per app is available on android 2.2+ only and includes both wifi and mobile data.
★ All other charts and figures exclude wifi.
NOTE: (read the app help section)
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